Daniel D. Schantz, M.A.

Professor Emeritus of Christian Education

Professor Schantz's Biography:

Christian education is vital to the local church, and for 43 years, Daniel Schantz trained and molded Christian educators.

Born in Springfield, Ohio, Mr. Schantz was influenced by his father, a machinist who desired to enter the ministry. His father attended seminary and then held ministries throughout Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio. Danny was the second of six children, and his mother was a full-time homemaker.
After graduating from high school, he traveled with evangelist Cecil Todd for a summer before entering Great Lakes Christian College in Michigan. He later transferred to Central Christian College and went on to earn a Bachelor of Arts in 1966 and a Bachelor of Theology in 1967. He continued his education at the University of Missouri-Columbia and earned a Master of Arts with an emphasis in education in 1978.

Following his graduation in 1966, Mr. Schantz took on a full-time ministry in Hannibal, Missouri. In 1968, he was asked to come back to his alma mater and teach Christian Education courses. He continued to teach these courses until his retirement in 2011. In addition, Mr. Schantz enjoyed teaching Bible courses… Proverbs and Ecclesiastes being his favorites.

Through the years, Mr. Schantz has served in many capacities. He organized and ran the Show-Me Workshop (Christian Education Convention) and traveled with College teams. He sponsored the puppet team in the 1970s and 80s and traveled with music groups throughout the years. He also
represented the College at numerous churches. In 1997, Mr. Schantz was honored with the Outstanding Alumni Award at a homecoming event.
Although he is known as Professor Schantz at Central, he is more widely known as an author. As an author, Dan had two series of youth fiction books published. His Eddie series (four books) was published in 1985, and his Wheeler series (12 books) was published in 1987-1989. He wrote a handbook for teachers called You Can Teach with Success that was released by Standard Publishing in 1994. He also wrote four booklets on Restoration Heroes for Standard in 1984. Mr. Schantz has numerous articles published in magazines and newspapers. He is a regular contributor to Daily Guideposts, The Lookout, and The Christian Standard. In 2010, Central published all of the “A Slice of Heaven” articles he had written for The Lookout in one book.

His partner in life and ministry has been his wife, Sharon Dale Schantz. Married in 1964, they welcomed two daughters, Teresa Williams and Natalie Cleeton, who are both writers like their father. The Schantzes are blessed with four grandchildren, two boys and two girls.

Student Appreciation:

Mr. Daniel Schantz has been the perfect model for me as a person, and as a future teacher, during my time at Central. He is a scholar, a gardener, a kid, and a writer; that, in my opinion, is as close as you can get to the perfect teacher. He has the unique ability to make you feel like you are the most valued human being on earth, just by saying a few words. He speaks rather slowly – constructively, and absolutely comprehensibly – but he says nothing unnecessary. He considers teaching a rewarding time, and not simply a job. I can only wish my students would love me one-eighth as much as his students love him! To me, Mr. Schantz demonstrates the marks of a great teacher.

He clearly transmits his passion for teaching, and genuinely cares for his students. He has taught me how to strive to be a good teacher by instilling that passion for teaching within me. He has showed me how important it is to love children, love what you’re teaching, and understand the unique role of a school in a child’s life. He has taught me that, as a teacher, I need to have a willingness to change, a willingness to reflect, enough ego to sur- vive the hard days, and just enough humility to remember that it is not about me. Most of all, he taught me to understand that be- ing a “great teacher” is a constant struggle to always improve.

Mr. Schantz has taught me more in four short years, than what I have learned in the past fifteen years. Other than Jesus, Mr. Schantz is the perfect example of a great teacher!

Daniel Schantz