Spiritual Life
Every student is expected and encouraged to develop spiritually at Central Christian College of the Bible. The entire College staff strives to be examples of faithful Christian living and to mentor students as they grow in Christ. There are many opportunities for such growth — chapel, missions interest groups, fellowship, worship in the area churches, classroom instruction, and being a part of a Christian community. You will find that spiritual development happens continually here as you engage in different areas of campus life.
CCCB's discipleship program offers an unparalleled opportunity to connect with other students in order to develop spiritually. Our discipleship leaders are trained in discipleship and set loose to make disciples on our campus. Students will be encouraged to participate in discipleship groups no bigger than 3-4 students. CCCB believes that discipleship is an essential part of growing in our relationship with the Lord and as a result we require all underclassmen (Sophomores and below) to be involved in a group.
A private, personal worship time is vital to spiritual growth and development. We encourage students to set aside a definite time each day to go apart from everyone else for personal Bible study and prayer. We also have new students join a discipleship group traditionally led by older students. We have dedicated Wednesday mornings at 9 am for your group to meet.
Chapel Experiences
One of the highlights of student life is the opportunity to worship in chapel twice a week. We meet on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 am for a more traditional chapel experience. We gather in the gym to gather in worship, hear campus announcements, and hear a message from a guest speaker Thursday nights, we have Thrive! A more laid-back experience led by students on campus. We meet in the Student Center at 8 pm for worship and a message.