
Central Culture


We are sold out. Hearts abandoned to the One who freed us with His blood. Our lives burning with a hope so deep, so unquenchable that we can't help but talk about it, learn about it, think about it, eat, drink, dream it.


We are made new, men and women of character, upright and devoted to God's ways. Our longing is for our lives to be a shining beacon, a brilliant tribute to the sacrificial life of our Savior.


We are a people of action. We don't just profess, we confess this truth by our every deed, serving the interests of Christ here on earth with every fiber of our being.


We are affiliated with the Restoration movement and the resulting Christian Churches. These are non-denominational independent churches governed by the congregation that value a return to the church as written about in the New Testament. Because of this background, we hold a deep value in the authority of the inspired word of God and its authoritative voice in our lives today.


  • We plead for the unity of all followers of Christ.
  • We wear no name but the one in the Bible for the followers of Christ – Christian (Acts 11:26).
  • We accept no creed but belief in Christ (Matt 16:16).
  • We adopt no rule of faith and practice but the Bible (2 Tim 3:16- 17).
  • We practice only the ordinances commanded by Christ. One of these is the Christian baptism which is universally recognized by all followers of Christ, the immersion of the penitent believer. The other is the weekly observance of the Lord's Supper as a simple memorial of our Lord's death for our salvation (1 Cor 11:23-30).
  • "Where the scriptures speak, we speak; where the scriptures are silent, we are silent."
  • "In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty; in all things, love."