The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY
- Primary Area: Preaching
- Secondary Area: New Testament Studies
- Dissertation: “Rhetorical Analysis of Selected Key Sermons in Luke and Acts”
- Comprehensive exams taken in Preaching, New Testament Literature, New Testament Theology, and New Testament History
Vanderbilt Divinity School, Nashville, TN Spring 1989
Saint Meinrad’s School of Theology, St. Meinrad, IN Summer 1989
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY
Cincinnati Christian University, Cincinnati, OH
The Defense Language Institute-Foreign Language Center
The Presidio of Monterey, Monterey, CA
Dean of Graduate Studies
Professor of Preaching and New Testament Spring 2020 – Present
Central Christian College of the Bible, Moberly, MO
Professor of New Testament and Preaching 2004-2014
Point University, West Point, GA
- Courses taught: Life and Letters of Paul; Petrine Epistles and Jude;
1 & 2 Thessalonians; Church Growth and Evangelism;
Contemporary Religious Movements; Preaching and Story;
Introduction to Preaching; Advanced Preaching;
History of Christian Preaching; Expository Preaching;
New Testament and Preaching Seminar: The Parables of Jesus;
New Testament and Preaching Seminar: The Resurrection Narratives;
New Testament and Preaching Seminar: Luke-Acts;
New Testament and Preaching Seminar: 1 Corinthians;
New Testament and Preaching Seminar: The Miracles of Jesus;
New Testament and Preaching Seminar: The Compassion of Jesus;
New Testament and Preaching Seminar: James and Jude
Associate Professor of New Testament and Preaching, and 1989-1995
Chair of Biblical Studies (Graduate School Division)
The Cincinnati Bible Seminary of Cincinnati Christian University, Cincinnati, OH
- Served as full-time graduate school professor
- Chaired the Biblical Studies Division of the seminary, overseeing the
New Testament, Old Testament, and Biblical backgrounds departments
of the graduate school
- Served on the Long-range Strategic Planning Committee
- Supervised faculty professional development
- Assisted in the development of outcomes based assessment program
- Courses taught: New Testament Introduction; New Testament
Interpretation; New Testament Backgrounds Seminar; Acts Seminar;
The Life and Message of Paul; Paul’s Earlier Epistles; The Pastoral Epistles;
The Prison Epistles; Non-Pauline Literature Seminar; The General Epistles;
The Petrine Epistles and Jude; Advanced Greek: The Epistles of John;
Advanced Greek: The Book of Acts; Fundamentals of Preaching;
Preaching and Teaching Artfully (Variety in Rhetorical Forms);
Cross-listed for (New Testament or Preaching credit) series
of rotating seminars Preaching the New Testament: Interpreting
Scripture for Preaching and Teaching series of courses:
The Resurrection Narratives, The Life of Christ, and The Parables
Adjunct Professor of New Testament and Preaching 2002-Present
Kentucky Christian University (Graduate School), Grayson, KY
- Graduate courses taught: The Gospel of Luke; The Gospel of Matthew;
Romans; Narrative Preaching; Expository Preaching: Luke-Acts;
Preaching and Teaching: The Resurrection Narratives; Pastoral Theology:
and Historical Foundations of Ministry
Supervised Ministry Experience, External Supervisor 2014-2015
Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, GA
Adjunct Professor of Preaching Spring 2013
McAfee School of Theology, Atlanta, GA
- Graduate course taught: Preaching
Adjunct Professor of New Testament and Preaching 1993-2008
TCM International Institute, Heiligenkreuz, Austria
- Graduate courses taught: Preaching and Teaching the New Testament;
New Testament I—The Gospels & Acts; New Testament II—Romans
through Revelation
- Grad courses taught in Austria, Estonia, Russia, Belarus, Czech Republic,
Ukraine, and Poland
Adjunct Professor of Preaching and New Testament Spring 2006
Lincoln Christian Seminary, Lincoln, IL
- Graduate course taught: Preaching Luke-Acts
Instructor in New Testament and Preaching November 2003
International Christian College of Manila
Academic Dean and Professor of New Testament and Preaching 1994-1998
Guyana Christian College, New Amsterdam, Guyana
Adjunct Professor of Human Dignity 1994-1995
Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science, Cincinnati, OH
Adjunct Professor of New Testament and Preaching 1987-1988
The Louisville Bible College, Louisville, KY
Senior Pastor
Harmony Christian Church, Georgetown, KY March 2015- February 2020
- Serve as the lead pastor
Teaching Pastor 2003-2004
Indian Creek Christian Church, Indianapolis, IN
- Served as the primary preaching associate and resident theologian with a
congregation averaging over 4,500 persons in Sunday morning worship
Senior Pastor 1995-2003
Northview Christian Church, Danville, IN
- Sunday morning worship in this rural Indiana congregation grew from one
to three services, and from an average of 150 to 600 persons in Sunday
morning attendance
Senior Pastor-Church Planter 1990-1995
Southwest Christian Church, Harrison, OH
- Served, bi-vocationally, as the preacher for this new church plant
Senior Pastor 1988-1989
Glenview Christian Church, Glasgow, KY
Senior Pastor 1984-1988
Camden Avenue Christian Church, Louisville, KY
Founder and Director 2004-Present
Christ-Centered Ministries, Newnan, GA
- A parachurch leadership consulting ministry specializing in the
professional coaching of senior pastors while serving as a spiritual
and professional resource to the primary church lay leadership teams.
Interim Preaching Ministries
Spring Road Christian Church, Lanett, AL March 2010 – October 2011
Heritage Christian Church, Fayetteville, GA March – December 2009
McDonough Christian Church, McDonough, GA July 2008
First Christian Church, Cumming, GA June 2008
Castle Christian Church, Cumming, GA April – September 2007
Christian Church Buckhead, Atlanta, GA March 2007
First Christian Church, Carrollton, GA June – December 2006
Christ’s Church at Whitewater, Fayetteville, GA August – October 2005
Mount Carmel Christian Church, Stone Mountain, GA November 2004 – July 2005
Glenview Christian Church, Glasgow, KY July1989 – January 1990
First Christian Church, Scottsburg, IN March – October 1990
Co-Director 1997-2004
Preaching Summits International, Indianapolis, IN
- An annual two-day gathering with a series of seminars on the subject of
contemporary preaching held in Indianapolis, Indiana, drawing the
participation of over 400 preachers; and an annual four-day gathering in
Harare, Zimbabwe, of around 100 preachers
Guest Speaker and Lecturer 1989-Present
- Since 1989, have traveled to Austria, Curacao, the Dominican Republic,
Estonia, Germany, Guyana, the Philippines, Republic of Belarus, Russia,
Trinidad, Ukraine, Zimbabwe, and throughout the U.S., teaching on
primarily the graduate level (with a few undergraduate courses), as well as
preaching or teaching at conferences, leadership retreats, and in churches
Contributing Author 2006-2008
Preaching Standard (
- Provision of regular contributions of sermons and illustrations to the
online sermon support ministry of Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, OH
“Preaching the Resurrection of Jesus” 9 March 2020
Workshop presented at the annual National Preaching Summit, Indianapolis, IN
K.T. Norris Lectureship in New Testament 7-10 March 2017
Maritime Christian College, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Lectures: “Resuscitations, Revivifications, Resurrections, and Revenants”
“Racial Reconciliation Sunday and MLK Honors,”
Keynote Speaker
Central Christian Church, Atlanta, GA 19 January 2014
Keynote speaker at Indiana State Christian Men’s Meeting; September 2013
Two main sessions: “Restored—Four Days with No Formaldehyde”
And “Restored—The Parable of the Wacky Traveler”
“Do You Think God Has Forgotten Me?” January 2013
McAfee School of Theology, Chapel, Atlanta GA
“Preaching the Parables of Jesus” January 2013
Two workshops presented at the Festival of Preachers in Atlanta, GA
Sponsored by the Academy of Preachers
Co-Director, Academy of Preachers Preaching Camp September 2012
Point University, West Point, GA
“Preaching to the Wounded When You Are” and “Ethos, Pathos, & Logos in Preaching” January 2012
Two main sessions presented at the Leadership Boot Camp sponsored by the
International Conference on Preaching at Christ’s Church of the Valley,
Phoenix, AZ
“Journeys in Luke”
Three morning Bible studies presented to all participants at the annual November 2011
ICOM (annual International Conference on Missions), Atlanta, GA
“Preaching the Parables” May 2011
Workshop presented to the Georgia Minister’s Association
“Preaching to the Wounded When You Are” and “How to Preaching a Parable” March 2011
Main speaker presenting two main sessions and two workshops at the annual
National Preaching Summit, Indianapolis, IN
“Playing Hurt” April 2010
Keynote speaker and workshop leader for the Georgia Christian Convention
Helen, GA
“Preaching the Resurrection Narratives” September 2008
Workshop presented to the Georgia Minister’s Association
Atlanta, GA
“501(c)3 or 33 A.D . . . The Supernatural Nature of the Church.” July 2007
Workshop presented at the North American Christian Convention
Kansas City, MO
“Unity, Because It’s All about Jesus” Series April 2007
Keynote speaker and workshop leader for the Georgia Christian Convention
Jekyll Island, GA
”If This Isn’t the End Times, Then What Is?” October 2006
Two seminars covering the major views of eschatology presented at
Eastside Christian Church, Conyers, GA
“It’s All about Jesus” Series July 2006
Keynote speaker for the week at the Lake James School of Missions
Angola, IN
“Breaking Out: How to Turn Around a Plateaued or Declining Church” March 2006
Leadership series presented at Ben Hill Christian Church, Atlanta, GA
“Breaking Out: How to Turn Around a Plateaued or Declining Church” January 2006
Georgia Ministers Association, Atlanta, GA
“Leading the Church in the 21st Century” Summer 2005
A series of six seminars presented at Mount Carmel Christian Church
Stone Mountain, GA
“Fear This! . . . The Authentic Man in Christ” November 2005
A series of seminars presented at the Spring Road Christian Church
Lanett, AL
“Mega Doctrines of the Bible” Spring 2005
A series of six seminars presented at Community Christian Church
Sharpsburg, GA
“Feeding the Alligators” March 2005
Leadership seminar presented at First Christian Church, Jonesboro, GA
“Long Range Strategic Planning” January 2005
Leadership seminar presented at Spring Road Christian Church, Lanett, AL
“Microman in an Armani Robe” (Luke 19:1-10) July 2004
Thursday morning main speaker at Family Camp, Restoration Acres,
Hillsboro, OH
“Word and Preacher: Ethos, Pathos, Logos, and Christos for Contemporary Preaching” March 2004
A seminar presented at the National Preaching Summit, Indianapolis, IN
“Leading or Being Chased?” Main speaker for the leadership series presented at March 2004
Rockville Christian Church, Rockville, IN
“Rekindling Success after You Have Failed Miserably!” February 2004
Adult Christian singles retreat, Trafalgar, IN
“How Many Church Members Does It Take to Change a Light Bulb?” October 2003
Main speaker for a series of leadership seminars at Hanging Rock
Christian Camp, Covington, IN
“Postmodern Answers to Evangelism: ‘Wash Away Your Sins Bubble Bath’ and August 2003
Other Silly Solutions to Sin”
A leadership seminar presented at Castleton Christian Church, Indianapolis, IN
“The Splagchna of Jesus” July 2003
A series of lectures presented at the Nationwide Youth Roundup
Sedalia, CO
“Feeding the Alligators” February 2003
Main speaker for four leadership seminars at Latonia Christian Church,
Latonia, KY
“My Dog Smells!” December 2002
Main speaker for the leadership seminars at Roachdale Christian Church,
Roachdale, IN
“Microman in an Armani Suit” (Luke 19:1-10) May 2002
The Festival of Preaching, Kingsway Christian Church, Avon, IN
“Do You Think We Are Going to Die?” May 2002
Commencement speaker. Saint Louis Christian College, St. Louis, MO
“Postmodern Answers to Evangelism: Wash Away Your Sins Bubble Bath and March 2002
Other Wacky Schemes!”
The Conference on Evangelism, Hilliard, OH
“The Power of Vision in the Parables of Jesus” July 2001
A series of lectures presented at the Nationwide Youth Roundup
Sedalia, CO
“Evangelizing in a Postmodern World” January 2001
A leadership lecture presented for Person to Person Ministries at
Salt Fork State Park, OH
“Ten Pitfalls of Church Leadership” June 2000
Main speaker for three leadership seminars presented at
Lebanon Christian Church, Lebanon, IN
“The Three Tasks of Preaching” February 2000
A series of lectures presented at the National Preaching Summit
Harare, Zimbabwe
“Narrative Preaching” February 1999
A video lecture produced for use at the National Preaching Summit
Harare, Zimbabwe
“Preaching Introductions and Conclusions That Connect” February 1998
A video lecture produced for use at the National Preaching Summit
Harare, Zimbabwe
“How to Find a Youth Minister” November 1997
Workshop presented at the Indiana Christian Youth Convention
Indianapolis, IN
“Encounter” and “Why I Believe” July 1997
Christ in Youth Conference, San Diego, CA.
“What’s Hot in Youth Culture” November 1996
Workshop at the Indiana Christian Youth Convention, Indianapolis, IN
“Encounter” and “The Lukan Journey” July 1994
Christ in Youth Conference, San Diego, CA.
“Bedrock or a Crawlspace?” November 1993
Founder’s Day main speaker, Louisville Bible College, Louisville, KY
“The History of Prayer” October 1993
Seminar on prayer, Indian Creek Christian Church, Indianapolis, IN
“New Testament Genre and Its Implications for Contemporary Preaching” September 1993
Presented to the Fellowship of Professors, Johnson Bible College,
Knoxville, TN
Adult Bible Study Leader February 1993
Christ in Youth Conference, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
Adult Bible Study Leader July 1992
Christ in Youth Conference, Milligan College, Johnson City, TN
“I’m Dysfunctional, But I’m O.K” and “It’s a Family Tradition” February 1992
Main speaker, Ohio Mini Youth Convention, Hillsboro, OH
Adult Bible Study Leader June 1991
Christ in Youth Conference, Adrian, MI
“The Mega Meal!” (Luke 14:15-24) November 1990
Main session speaker and moderator of the open forum entitled
“The Role of Women in the Church,” The Conference on Evangelism,
Cincinnati Christian University, Cincinnati, OH
“The Gospel Embodied, the Gospel Multiplied, the Gospel Unhindered” Fall 1990
Twelve lectures on the Book of Acts. White Oak Christian Church,
Cincinnati, OH
“Josephus and Luke: Can the Speech Material Be Trusted?” July 1990
The Biblical Backgrounds Workshop, the North American
Christian Convention, Denver, CO
“Teenage Mutant Ninja Christians” June 1990
Christ in Youth Conference, Adrian, MI
“Will the Restoration Movement Ever Move Again?” April 1990
Main speaker at Weldon Christian Camp, Weldon, OH
“The Truth about Spiritual Gifts” Spring 1990
A series of eight special lectures at First Christian Church, Scottsburg, IN
“Weeds, Seeds, and Beads” (Matthew 13:1-46) August 1989
Convocation speaker, Cincinnati Christian University, Cincinnati, OH
“Two Questions (Part 2)”
Blog on February 21, 2020
“Two Questions (Part 1)”
Blog on February 14, 2020
“Worst Communion Devotion Ever (Part 2)”
Blog on, November 9, 2019 (@
“Worst Communion Devotion Ever (Part 1)”
Blog on, November 9, 2019 (@
“Easter: More than Peeps and Chocolate Bunnies” (@
A Review of Ben J. Katt’s The Power of Persuasive Preaching. In Stone-Campbell Journal. Vol. 11, No. 2, Fall 2008.
A Review of Robert Kysar’s and Joseph M. Webb’s Preaching to Postmoderns: New Perspectives for Proclaiming the Message. In Stone-Campbell Journal. Vol. 11, No. 1, Spring 2008.
A Review of James L. Resseguie’s Narrative Criticism of the New Testament: An Introduction. In Stone-Campbell Journal. Vol. 10, No. 2, Fall 2007.
“Preaching in the Digital Age,” an Interview in The Gold & Blue, Spring 2007, pp. 11-15 (available @;%20BlueThe%20Gold%20amp;%20Blue,%20the%20magazine%20for%20alumn/Spring%202007.pdf).
“The New Birth (John 3:1-10).” In New Testament Christianity for Today. Ed. Robert Shannon. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2006.
“From Hero to Zero.” A sermon published on, 2006.
“Ananias and Sapphira, a Couple Who ‘Souled-Out.’” A sermon published on, 2006.
“The Obituary of Pluto.” An illustration published on, 2006.
“Do You Know the Maker?” An illustration published on, 2006.
A Review of Joel B. Green’s and Michael Pasquarello’s, eds., Narrative Reading, Narrative Preaching: Reuniting New Testament Interpretation and Proclamation. In Stone-Campbell Journal. Vol. 8, No. 1, Spring 2005.
“Four Days with No Formaldehyde (John 11:1-45).” A sermon published in Voices from the Hill, David Faust, ed. Cincinnati, OH: CBC&S, 2003.
“A Story Is Told.” The Summit. A publication of the Preaching Summits International, Mooresville, IN, Autumn 1998.
Rhetorical Analysis of Selected Key Sermons in Luke and Acts. (Dissertation Catalog Number
9530707), Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Press, 1995.
“New Testament Genre and Its Implications for Contemporary Preaching.” A published paper presented to
the annual Fellowship of Professors, Johnson Bible College, Knoxville, TN, September 1993.
Annotated Bibliography of the New Testament. Contributing editor. Rev. ed. Cincinnati, OH: CBC&S, May 1991.
“Josephus and Luke: Can the Speech Material Be Trusted?” A published paper presented at the North
American Christian Convention, Denver, CO, July 1990.
Annotated Bibliography of the New Testament. Contributing editor. Cincinnati, OH: CBC&S, May 1990.
Former Member, Evangelical Homiletics Society
Former Member, Society of Biblical Literature
Former Member, Academy of Homiletics
Board Member, Bible Institute for Christian Missions, Shelbyville, IN, 1994-1998
Board Member, Christian Churches/Churches of Christ Chaplaincy Endorsement Commission, Johnson City, TN, 1994-1995
Member, Local Arrangements Committee for the National New Church Conference, Cincinnati, OH, 1992
Board Member, Power Ministries, Clarksburg, IN, 1988-1989
Outstanding Young Minister, North American Christian Convention, 1989
Salutatorian, Cincinnati Christian University, 1984
Inductee, Delta Aleph Tau Honor Society, Cincinnati Christian University, 1984
Greek Award, Cincinnati Christian University, 1983
History Award, Cincinnati Christian University, 1983
Ordained through the Christian Church (non-denominational) on July 15, 1984, at Camden Avenue Christian Church, Louisville, KY
German Translator and Course Developer 1977-1981
US Army, Military Intelligence
Married to my best friend, Carol (also a professor) for nearly 23 years
Three adult children: (Trey, a middle school English teacher; Aubrey, a freelance web designer; and Prisca, a singer/songwriter)
Two grandsons: Leo and Fox; and another grandchild on the way
Hobbies include, reading, hunting, fishing, boating, motorcycles, and vintage muscle
Two dogs: a Jack Russell terrier named “Harley” and a whippet named “Davidson”