Manna Projects

Powered by the Minuteman Fund

To help Central's donors provide practical assistance for campus projects, Central is launching "Manna Projects." This platform, powered by The Minuteman Fund, encourages friends of the College to enhance the campus locations and strengthen student retention efforts.

Minuteman donors have been on the leading edge of supporting Central for many years. Central invites students, alumni, and parents to join forces with this historic group to meet unexpected campus needs. As many people come together to support these Manna Projects, it will be like the manna provided by the Lord for the Israelites.

Your support of Manna Projects brings these key benefits:

Responsive Giving - Donors who participate in The Minuteman Fund have demonstrated prompt and timely gifts when a need arises. As a new Manna Project is identified, these donors are notified and asked to contribute immediately.

Tangible Improvements - Manna Projects bring practical and visible improvements to the campus. The Minuteman Fund brings specific enhancements to benefit students.

Donor Engagement - “Minutemen” are strongly connected to the College and its needs. They want to see the direct results of their contributions and understand their impact on the lives of students and the campus community. Manna Projects invite them to support their passions and interests.

Agility and Flexibility - Manna Projects are smaller in time and cost, making them able to be accomplished in a timely manner. Emerging needs receive priority attention.

Collaborative Decision-making - The College’s leaders listen to input from students, staff, and supporters for potential Manna Projects. Donor feedback helps shape decisions about future projects to be funded. (You are invited to give your input at the bottom of this page.)

The Minuteman Fund demonstrates the power of collective giving and the college's commitment to continuous improvement for its students. It symbolizes the strong partnership between the college and its donors to positively impact campus life through meaningful Manna Projects. Sign up for information about Manna Projects at

Read about the latest project below, help however you can, and then share with others.

Current Manna Project

More Than A Million Miles of Ministry

This summer, CCCB will send five camp teams to destinations as far away as Virginia and Delaware. To help camps make up for the closure of other colleges, this is three more teams than last year. With your support, these teams of devoted students will ignite a passion for ministry in the hearts of high school students at camps and conferences.

Four Toyota minivans, with as many as 325,000 miles on the odometer, demonstrate Central's ever-expanding reach. While you can count the miles these vans have traveled, no one can measure the Kingdom work accomplished over those vast distances. However, as camp teams travel more than ever this summer, the need for reliable transportation is paramount.

Five minivans are needed for these teams to arrive safely at their destinations. Your support has helped to maximize the potential of camp teams up to this point. As for the four high-mileage vans, other donors are being asked to make significant gifts to replace them with newer, low-mileage vans. We are asking you to help purchase the fifth van.

Beyond summer activities, this new van will be used for sports teams, recruiters, and other trips by students and staff to learn and serve. Your generous gift is key to meeting this critical need. If each of the 400 people who receive this respond with a gift will lead to a quarter of a million miles of ministry from the van that the Minutemen provide.

Will you join this journey of outreach and growth? Your support of this Manna Project is much more than a donation. It is a tangible symbol of your partnership that mobilizes and empowers CCCB students and staff to influence the world with the gospel.