"Shine in a Culture of Comparison"
Thursday, April 10th, 2025
Register NowSchedule
2:30PM - Check-in
3:00PM - Workshop Breakout 1
4:30PM - Workshop Breakout 2
Evening Session
6:00PM - Dinner and Offering
7:15PM - Worship (Joey Shivers) Main Speaker (Megan Rawlings)
- How to share the Gospel boldly - Wolfe
- Intentional vulnerability in Discipleship - White
- Sharing the Gospel internationally - Missionary panel
Contact KevinBrown@cccb.edu 660.372.2510
A special offering will be collected to fund student scholarships.
Megan Rawlings is the CEO and Founder of The Bold Movement, a women's ministry focused on enhancing women's knowledge of Scripture and equipping them with boldness to share it. She has her Masters degree in Theology and uses it to write The Bold Movement Bible studies, speak at various events, and also host The Bold Movement podcast. In her spare time, Megan loves spending time with her husband, Matt, her three dogs, Boogie, Bacaw, and Clark, and her niece, Carter. Megan also loves telling puns, corny jokes, and any Lifetime or Hallmark movie.
Kayla Wolfe is the COO of The Bold Movement and the Children's Minister at her church. She has a degree in Biblical Studies and Theology. She is married to her amazing husband, Nathan, and together they have a daughter, Carter. Her drive and passion has always been family discipleship and loves to help parents learn how to raise godly children in an ungodly world. When she has time, Kayla loves to read, listen to podcasts, or quote The Office.

Megan Rawlings
Guest Speaker
CEO & Founder of The Bold Movement

Kayla Wolfe
Guest Speaker
COO of The Bold Movement
Children's Minister

Joey Shivers
Worship Leader
2024 Recap

Workshop #1
"Let's Get Serious About Prayer"
Debbie Poer
Workshop #2
"Let's Get Serious About Our Role As Mentors"
Debbie Goehringer
Workshop #3
"Teach Us To Number Our Days"
Debbie Fitzgerald
Main Session
"It's Time To Get Serious About God"
Debbie Poer