
Authentic U Logo

One of the greatest anxieties a human being will face in their lifetime is whether or not they are fulfilling their purpose.  "What function do I play in the world?",   "Am I using my talents and gifts the way that I am supposed to?".   This is classically known as existentialism.  Not to go all philosophical but we believe this is a question all humanity is trying to answer (and maybe for the 15th time).

Couple that existential thought with the zeitgeist of this generation, you know the idea of authenticity, being one’s true self and we have ourselves a very interesting time to be living.

Those of us who embrace Christ have found the answer to the existential question.  We find our purpose in Him.   We discover our true selves IN Christ.  In one sweeping claim, in a simple state of belief, the existential angst goes away.  It is IN Christ that we find our purpose.

So many of our Alumni tell us this is what we helped them do.  We helped them discover and shape what Christ had created.   We encourage you to listen to their stories. They are the proof, the evidence for what we do here to impact the Kingdom.   Then we encourage you to consider whether or not you are ready to step into your calling or maybe reinvigorate what you have already be called to do!

Connect with our Admissions Team for more Information